The Ultimate Moving Master Plan: A Todo List for a Smooth Transition to Your New Home

  • Notify utility companies (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) of the move and schedule disconnection and connection dates
  • Contact the post office to forward mail to the new address
  • Make arrangements for moving truck or hiring movers
  • Pack and label all belongings, making sure to keep essential items separate and easily accessible
  • Clean the old house and leave it in good condition for the next occupants
  • Notify banks, credit card companies, and other important contacts of the new address
  • Make arrangements for transportation of pets
  • Confirm the new address and moving date with the new landlord or property management
  • Make a final walk-through of the old house to ensure nothing is left behind
  • Update your address in your government ID, passport and other legal documents
  • Prepare an “unpacking box” with essentials such as toilet paper, snacks, and bed sheets for your first night in the new home.
  • Take photos of the new house and the old house before leaving.
  • Prepare a list of important phone numbers and addresses for the first few days in the new home
  • Create a floor plan of the new home and decide where to place furniture and other items before moving in
  • Make sure to have all necessary tools and equipment on hand for assembly and installation of furniture, appliances, and other items
  • Make sure to have enough packing materials such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts
  • Make arrangements for storage of items that will not be immediately needed in the new home
  • Make sure to have the necessary documents, keys and remotes for appliances, furniture and other items ready for the move
  • Make sure to have all personal documents, insurance papers and important papers in a safe and secure place
  • Make sure to have a plan for moving day, including assigning tasks and ensuring that everything is packed and ready to go on time.

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